Trinity of YOU

Become a TRIPLE threat with the power of your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs.

The group will meet daily @ 3:30 pm PST January 24-27

There is much to be said about astrology in the modern world, and it is my personal belief that your astrological chart provides incredible insight into the person you've come to planet Earth to embody.

The unique alignment of planets and stars in the cosmos, at the moment you came into being on Earth, provides the coordinates to the portal through which your spirit entered this realm. 

Your sun, moon, and rising signs represent major parts of your personality, and the information in your natal chart can give you so much clarity on not just who you are but who you can become.

In this program, you'll be empowered to magnify your strengths, helping you step into your own unique greatness. I’ll also show you how the unloved and challenging parts of yourself can be reframed into your very own superpowers!

ALL using the guidance of your "Big 3" zodiac signs (sun, moon & rising).

🌙 I Want to Be a Triple Treat!✨

This is a 4-day group program with Q&A meeting @ 3:30pm PST January 24-27.


When you Join this program you'll receive:

  • A custom Roxy Talks Trinity Of YOU "Big 3" Zodiac Report
  • Enrollment in my January 2023 Group Program Trinity Of YOU -January 24-27 @ 3:30 pm PST 
  • A private group of your peers to support you and provide incredible support during the program.
  • Lifetime access to all course material.

...You will be given an astrological blueprint based on your birth chart that you can use as a manual for self-awareness in this program and beyond!

This custom Roxy Talks "Big 3" Zodiac Report will help you harness the forces at play within and use them to annihilate old beliefs, radically galvanize you into action, and become a triple threat...someone who has fully integrated all parts of themselves into one massively powerful being.


This Group Program will reveal YOUR unique blueprint so that you can integrate and align with the most powerful versions of YOU! 

This innovative approach combines the psychology and manifesting power of self-concept with one of the world's oldest sciences.

Become your MOST abundant, successful, and blissful self with the divine guidance of the cosmos.


You did not come here to walk in someone else's footsteps.

You're here to carve your OWN path and Trinity Of YOU will show you how!

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3 Month Plan


3 Monthly Payments



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4 Month Plan


4 Monthly Payments



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